想各位老手分享下用organization account (組織號)的心得.
我每次用組織號, 都係: 用人號DONATE錢, log-out 人號, log-in組織號, 用組織號買包, DONATE包去人號, Log-out組織號.
組織號和人號的分別: 1)組織號沒有血, 2)組織號沒有國藉, 3)組織號不能打仗.
由於組織號和人號個獨立的, 所以Log-in組織號時, 不需要輸入任何人號的資料.
附上29th Jan, 2010年 官方簡介. (可以用問題TITLE 去 FAQ 個度查)
Can I share an organization account with someone?
Article You can share organization access with another player but you do so at your own risk. According to Organization Law #10
"Sharing the password of an organization makes its creator responsible for the actions of that organization and liable to face penalties for those actions."
So if your partner in the organization does something illegal with it, then the organization account and possibly your own citizen account could be permanently banned.
Also, there have been issues with organization partners stealing from each other. To prevent this, we strongly suggest that business partners write and sign a valid contract to govern the organization. For information about contracts see here: http://www.erepublik.com/en/forum/topic/85645/contract-guidelines-rules-for-making-valid-contracts---updated-4-december-2009/1
當然, 所謂的"contract"已經被除消. 大家請勿用我的org acc做壞事, 例如開報貼黃色刊物.
我每次用組織號, 都係: 用人號DONATE錢, log-out 人號, log-in組織號, 用組織號買包, DONATE包去人號, Log-out組織號.
組織號和人號的分別: 1)組織號沒有血, 2)組織號沒有國藉, 3)組織號不能打仗.
由於組織號和人號個獨立的, 所以Log-in組織號時, 不需要輸入任何人號的資料.
附上29th Jan, 2010年 官方簡介. (可以用問題TITLE 去 FAQ 個度查)
Can I share an organization account with someone?
Article You can share organization access with another player but you do so at your own risk. According to Organization Law #10
"Sharing the password of an organization makes its creator responsible for the actions of that organization and liable to face penalties for those actions."
So if your partner in the organization does something illegal with it, then the organization account and possibly your own citizen account could be permanently banned.
Also, there have been issues with organization partners stealing from each other. To prevent this, we strongly suggest that business partners write and sign a valid contract to govern the organization. For information about contracts see here: http://www.erepublik.com/en/forum/topic/85645/contract-guidelines-rules-for-making-valid-contracts---updated-4-december-2009/1
當然, 所謂的"contract"已經被除消. 大家請勿用我的org acc做壞事, 例如開報貼黃色刊物.